Voice Access 
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Credit Cards -Other Services
 Waukee State Bank Voice Access is available to assist you in obtaining account information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This means, no matter where you are and what time of day or night it is, all you need is a telephone to do your banking.

Voice Access is unique among bank information systems. For our customers using touch-tone phones, you may quickly and easily move through the system via TOUCH - TONE. Touchtone customers may also use a combination TOUCH -TONE and VOICE commands. For our customers using rotary phone systems, you may access the system with VOICE commands.

LOCAL: 515-987-2662

LONG DISTANCE: 1-888-968-2662


A. Dial the VOICE ACCESS telephone number from any phone. After a brief introduction, you will be presented with a list of options. Your choices are:
 1. For Checking
2. For Savings
3. For CDs
4. For Loans
5. For Product Spotlight
6. For Other Bank Services (Report Lost or Stolen ATM Cards)
7. For Transfer of Funds
8. For System Tutorial
0. To Transfer to Operator
B.You may say or press the appropriate number, as shown above, on your telephone keypad. Remember to wait for the beep before speaking.
C. After you have made your selection you will be asked to enter your account number and security Code. By Voice say each number after the beep. Your account balance will be played automatically. Its that simple.

Voice Access is updated twice a day at 11 a.m. and 9 p.m.

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